Stadium Drive Widening and Improvements

Fast Facts

Project # U-5515
Type: Road Widening
Affected Counties: Wake
Estimated Cost: $4,160,000


The NCDOT plans to widen and make improvements to a 1.1-mile section of Stadium Drive (SR 1930) from Glencoe Drive to North Main Street.

These improvements are part of the Town of Wake Forest’s “Complete Streets” vision along Stadium Drive.

Improvements will include two 14-foot travel lanes and an 11-foot center left turn lane along that section of Stadium Drive. Also included are curbs, gutters, wider shoulders on both sides of the road, and a roundabout at the intersection of Stadium and Wingate.

Pedestrian and bicycle improvements from Glencoe Drive to the bridge over Richland Creek include a 10-foot wide multi-use path on the south side and a 5-foot wide sidewalk on the north side.

There will be sidewalks on both sides of the road from the bridge to North Wingate Street. And shared-lane bicycle markings (called “sharrows”) will be added to the travel lanes along Stadium Drive. (Sharrows are arrows designating that drivers need to share the road with cyclists. Their purpose is to increase a driver’s awareness of bicyclists and reduce the likelihood of bicycling in the wrong direction.)

The project also will include two pedestrian refuge islands, high visibility crosswalks, and accessible transit stops.


photo map

Project Schedule

  • Right-of-way acquisition – early 2016
  • Start Construction – awaiting federal approval

Property Takings

More than 30 parcels of land will be affected by this project. Currently the NCDOT has set aside $560,000 for right-of-way takings. If your property will be affected, contact one of our attorneys for a free case evaluation, or call 1-877-393-4990.

Get a free case
evaluation today.

There are only a handful of attorneys in NC who practice eminent domain exclusively, and even fewer with NCDOT experience. We have several. That’s why its worth getting in touch with us for a free case evaluation.

Here’s how it works:

1) Tell us about your situation.

2) We research your property as needed, using DOT maps, our own technology, and experience to see the exact effects.

3) We let you know what we think a fair offer would be. This evaluation is free, and there’s no
pressure or obligation to hire us after.

But please don’t wait to act. Waiting can hurt your case, and the cost is the same: free.

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