At the NC Eminent Domain Law Firm, we have some attorneys on staff who used to negotiate on behalf of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). As Assistant Attorneys General, they’d travel the state negotiating with property and business owners over what the government was willing to pay them (or not pay them!) for their property.
Why we offer FREE land-taking seminars
During these negotiations, they realized that many property and business owners were unaware that the laws can be very different for the government than for private owners. In fact, they felt that the “system,” at times, seemed unfairly stacked against the property owner. Time and again these attorneys saw owners try to negotiate on their own, only to unwittingly leave good money on the table.
The government has access to hundreds of attorneys, negotiators, appraisers, and other professionals working to get them the best deals they can. These professionals know how to interpret the many nuances in the law to work in their favor.
Yet who fights for the land or business owner whose property is being taken away? Who interprets the laws for the tobacco farmer whose land has been handed down for more than 200 years? Who interprets the law for that day care owner whose playground is being taken to widen a road? Usually the property owners, themselves. And usually that can be a huge mistake.
This type of scenario is what prompted these attorneys to switch sides.
Now, as lawyers for the NC Eminent Domain Law Firm, they represent the rights of people – property and business owners, not the government.
Our state has hundreds of roadway and construction projects affecting thousands of property owners across North Carolina – from the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, to Bypasses, utility and sidewalk upgrades, and bridge reconstruction. Some of the properties needed for these projects have been handed down through generations of families. Some business owners have had to close their doors after many many years of service to their communities. And while our attorneys can’t stop progress or growth, they can help property owners understand their rights and options when it comes time to receive fair and just compensation for the property being taken.
That’s why these attorneys travel the state offering FREE land taking seminars for property and business owners whose land is on the government’s docket for condemnation.
Two attorneys on staff who used to negotiate for the NCDOT
With more than 20 years of combined experience working on land condemnation cases (including when they handled cases for the NCDOT), our attorneys can look at the project plans for your property and quickly see some of the unique issues you may be faced with – issues that the average owner (or even the average attorney, who does not focus on eminent domain law) may not recognize.
Our seminars explain ways you could potentially get more
We like to think we’re helping to level the playing field. We try to help owners understand what the laws are, what rights property owners have, and the best strategies for negotiating with the government. Most folks don’t have a clue. Why would they? They’re not eminent domain lawyers who interpret these laws day in and day out.
Hundreds of property owners and other interested individuals who have attended our seminars would agree that they left armed with a better understanding of how the condemning authorities work and what methods and strategies the government can legally use to pay property owners less.
What do these land-taking seminars cover?
These seminars offer some extremely valuable information, such as:
- The “second-check” method – an often-overlooked negotiating strategy that allows property owners to potentially collect funds from the government’s first offer so they’ll have some money to use, while negotiating for more
- How NCDOT offers are calculated
- What “fair market value” really means
- How to determine if the government’s appraisal of a property is truly just
We know people don’t give two hoots about the laws or what the government is allowed to do or not do when it comes to taking land. They want to know one thing: How will this affect me? That’s why, when time has allowed, our attorneys have often been known to stay afterward, answering individual questions and reviewing project plans on their own time – free!
North Carolina eminent domain lawyers – FREE case evaluation
We travel the state to present these seminars. If you missed one contact us today and we’ll be happy to discuss how a project near you may affect your property. Call 1-877-393-4990 for a free case evaluation. Our representatives are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help you!